Saturday, April 9, 2011

Manitou Springs Follow-Up 4-9-11

Went to Manitou Springs today. Its primarily a tourist area and was busy today. Was blessed to hand out about 300 tracts, a few 1-on-1's and open-aired once. I tried to do some trivia to get a crowd and it was a a total FAIL. So I just preached a quick open air while preaching the Lord drew a guy named Mark. He listened then asked for my contact info. Later today he called and we had a short bible study on the phone. He doesn't see the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, so I went to Ephesians 2... we're going to try to have another bible study on Monday in Manitou at a local coffee shop. Please pray for Mark.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and Mark today. Miss you all and love you = )
