Monday, February 2, 2015

Proclaim On the Housetops 1/24/2015

What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 10:27-33)

Burbank Outreach  


Praise the Lord, we were able to preach in the mall again! Many weeks have passed since we have had the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel from our old stomping grounds.

This is the first time we have been able to set up the heckler mic in months!

Mark: It's not about religion. We're talking about the God of this universe. He is in heaven right now, reaching out with nail-imprinted hands, offering forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and a relationship. He is a relational God. We're talking about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit from all eternity past. He does not need us. He never did. But He wanted to glorify Himself. He wanted to bless His creation, and that is who we are. We have been blessing Christ Jesus through the gift of being able to worship God. People often wonder, why does man always worship something? It's because we are designed this way. It's the manufacturers design specs. Human beings were designed to worship. The question is what are you going to worship? Our greatest idol is the worship of self. Especially in America, we are very self-idolizing people. But the fact is that we will all worship something. When we worship the wrong thing, the bible calls this idolatry, and it's a grave sin against God.
We come out her to proclaim the true God, the only God. He is the God of Truth. Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. He said He is going to send us the Spirit of all Truth, The Holy Spirit, to guide us into truth. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to a knowledge of the Truth. The bible says that He is the only true God.

Many tracts were given out.

Friends stopped by to say hello.

There is great joy in serving the most high God!

Our new secret weapon was finally unveiled: The Whitfield Spurgeomatic, street-preaching robot.

Both Richard and Sharon took turns witnessing to this homeless man and his buddies. Please pray that his heart will be changed.

Many people take tracts, and many do not.

Dean: The Apostle Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation." Do you realize that Jesus Christ is our salvation? He said, "I am the light of the world." Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." Jesus also said, "You must be born again." If you are not born again, Jesus said that you will not enter heaven. He didn't say, "Let me see your church attendance record." He didn't say, "Try to be a good person, and we'll all get to heaven." No, Jesus said that the road is narrow, and the gate is small that leads to everlasting life and only a few people ever find it. Are you one of those few people? I hope so, because Jesus said that many are going to say to me on that day, "Lord, Lord, here I am." And He is going to say to them, "Depart from Me, I never knew you." God said that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. Are you doing that? Well, the good news is that Jesus Christ died to save you, on the cross. It took God Himself to rescue you and me. It took God Himself becoming a man. And it took the perfect God-Man to die on a cross to satisfy God's wrath."

Steve: Our prayer for you tonight is that God would grant you a heart of repentance, and faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation, because the Bible shows us very clearly that it is only through Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross that we may be saved. People criticize Christians because they proclaim the exclusivity. They claim that their God is the one and only God, and that their God is the only way to heaven. The fact is that we are simply reporting to you what the word of God says. It would be a sin and blasphemy to make up any such claims about God beyond what the Bible teaches. We don't want to add anything, we don't want to take anything away from the word of God. Many churches today are guilty of taking away from the Gospel. They take away sin, they take away righteousness, they take away judgement because they fail to tell the people in the churches that they are going to face judgement one day. That they are not okay with God. But that God will judge us, each one of us in righteousness. And that's why He sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the debt of sin on our behalf. That glorious Gospel has never changed! It is the same as it was 2,000 years ago. And yet, mankind has changed the Gospel. They've come up with the prosperity Gospel, the works righteousness Gospel, and every other kind of gospel, all of which are an abomination to God. There is only one true Gospel and that is the Gospel of repentance and faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, and what He accomplished for you on that cross. Jesus did for you what you cannot do for yourself. For God so loved the world...

Dr. Jack rarely has an idle moment. When he is not on the box or one to one, he is coming up with new ideas for witnessing opportunities.

Our brother Tony Miano once referred to our sister Sharon as an "unstoppable" witness.

This man was quietly listening to several preachers, while paging through one of our free bibles. Apparently he was waiting for his daughter to emerge from one of the theaters. When she showed up this conversation took place. Not sure what was said, but surely it included the gospel.

Few of us have as much passion and joy in sharing the gospel as our brother Richard. At times he will execute a mean break dance when the Spirit won't let him be still. Here he considers some of the many thousands who have passed by, not knowing of their desperate need for the Savior. He frequently quotes Matthew 28:19-20: 
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (NKJV)

Abortuary Duty

The Most Unreported Social Phenomenon of Our Time

You can join the effort at the Mission Hills clinic, 10200 Sepulveda Blvd., 91345, every Saturday and Tuesday morning from 8 to 10 am. No experience necessary.

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Please join us as we proclaim the glorious Gospel to a lost and dying world on the streets of Burbank, Glendale, Hollywood and beyond.


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