Thursday, February 28, 2013

True Fellowship 2/23/2013

Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. (Psalm 34:3)

 On the heels of last weeks abundant grace, our team; David, Mark (the Hammer), Sharon, Debbie, Jack, Dean C., Sai, Dean S., and Steve, enjoyed a time of refreshing fellowship and the quiet working of the Holy Spirit. We were joined, during prayer time, by Maggie Castro, who graciously stopped by to offer encouragement to the team. What a rich blessing it is to serve with fellow saints devoted to sharing the true gospel with every creature who will stand still long enough to listen.

In Acts, Chapter 8, verses 26-40, the Bible tells of how the Lord used the first missionary to be named in scripture, Philip, to "preach Jesus" to one man, "a man of Ethiopia." After witnessing to and baptizing this man Philip was "caught away" by the Holy Spirit to a place called Azotus, where he began preaching in all the cities on the way to Caesarea. Clearly, by divine appointment, every single person to whom we speak of Jesus is the person to whom the Holy Spirit has ordained for us to speak to. But we must speak.

Before Dean S. could get onto the box a homeless man approached him and asked him for prayer. Dean prayed for the man and then gave him some packaged snack foods. Unlike the North Hollywood station, we rarely see homeless people at the Burbank Mall. Seldom is a hungry person indifferent to the gospel after receiving even a small amount of food. The well-fed are often quite content to pass on by.

Please join us at the CBC Missions conference, SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd, 4:30 to 8:30 pm. There will be no evangelism outreach that evening.

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