Monday, July 22, 2013

Tabernacling in Glendale 7/20/2013

Just as the ancient Jewish Feast of Tabernacles is "symbolic of Christ’s Second Coming when He will establish His earthly kingdom," so our humble "booth" served as a witness of Christ's imminent return, to the thousands who attended the Glendale Cruise Night.

Special thanks to my wife Anne for graciously helping with the hard work of setting up the CBC "tabernacle" at the Glendale Cruise Night event. Her energetic, patient and encouraging support is an invaluable blessing.

CBC'ers included Bryan and Syria, Mark, Steve and Anne. Dean and Sai, who are now attending Calvary Chapel Pasadena, also were exceedingly helpful, hanging in there till after 10pm to help pack and load everything when the event was over. They brought reinforcements Nick, and his wife Weeli, who also fellowship in Pasadena.

Of course there was a wide variety of classic and custom cars of every style and vintage.

Thousands of tracts were handed out one by one. It is such a blessing to see the joy and excitement on people's faces when they get one of these!

Dean's wife, Sai, is always the unofficial champion of tract giving. She is unstoppable.

Dean's friend Nick, and his wife Weeli, were a big help.

The Holy Spirit, once again, was hard at work drawing people to hear the gospel. Mark and Steve had a great discussion with two young Mormon "Elders" who heard the true Gospel, and graciously endured a litany of problems with the Book of Mormon (TBOM). One such problem is the large amount of the King James edition of the Holy Bible, which is plagerized word for word, punctuation for punctuation, typeface for typeface, in spite of the claim that TBOM is of similar vintage as the New Testament texts. Another problem is the thousands of "corrections" to the manuscript which have been made over the last hundred years. There is no shortage of such information available on the Internet, and this has understandably taking a great toll on the membership of this cult as people learn about the unbiblical and unhistorical beliefs they espouse.

Many such conversations took place at the booth.

Let us pray that many will come to saving faith.

Ministry Opportunity

Our good friend and brother in Christ, Tony Miano, has returned from his travels, certain of which have received international publicity. Tony will be leading street witnessing efforts this week, providing opportunities to join him and be a witness for our Lord and Savior. Here is a link to his website Cross Encounters. To receive his schedule of witnessing times and locations go to his website and click on the link to subscribe to his newsletter.

Join us:  Saturday, July 27th, 6:00pm in Downtown Burbank, at the BPD Parking Lot on Palm near Glenoaks. NOTE:  Burbank will be having their own annual CAR SHOW that night, so we will be handing out the giant $100 Bills, again. Come and join the Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Steve- This is so encouraging to me. What an undertaking to set up that wonderful display and represent CBC at the car show. Not only were you all proactive with the Gospel but also professional in your presentation.

    This ministry couldn't be in better hands! Praise the Lord!

