Memorial Day in Hollywood was one of those days where you have so much JOY going to share the gospel that you feel almost guilty having such a good time. Dean, Sai, steve and I had a great time!! It was sunny and breezy and there were TONS of people out there.
Over 1000 tracts were handed out!!
Many people came up to THANK us for what we were doing... they must have been tourists. ;)
We had some CBC branded Giant Hundreds printed up just in time to hand out.
Sai is a "tract handing machine".
For a "walking lunch" Dean and I each had the largest slice of pizza I've ever seen.
About 30 bibles went out during the preaching.
This was a great way to end the day. I handed a tract to a guy sitting in a cab... turned around and he was talking with Dean. He said the man was open to hear the gospel and had many great questions.
It was a busy night at Burbank due to the three day weekend. Mark, Dean, Sai, Clint, Steve & I were the regulars in attendance...
... and we were joined by our dear brother Alvin! He is now a family Pastor at a church down in Bellflower.
We were also joined by Chad who was out for the first time with us. It's great to see the Lord working on people's hearts to get out there and SHARE THE GOSPEL!
This guy was there to try to distract & discourage many on our team. Kept twisting scripture and condemning us for what we were doing. At one point I heard him repromand Steve because he was "handing out false bibles... because they weren't the red letter version." Many guys on the team knew this guy and kept trying to reach out to him with the Gospel.
It was great to see Clint again. Like Clint several of us have little ones. Our dear wives are our co-laborers by taking care of the kiddos so that we can "GO"!!
I did a little triva to TRY to draw a crowd so that Alvin could then give the "Good Person Test."
Over all it was a great night, lots of tracts went out. God is good!
“O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 7:24, 25.
"The wretchedness of Paul, I think, lay in two things which are enough to make any man wretched. Paul believed the Doctrine of Human Responsibility and yet he felt the Doctrine of Human Inability. I have heard people ask sometimes— “You tell the sinner that he cannot believe and repent without the help of the Holy Spirit. And yet you tell him that it is his duty to believe and repent! How are these two to be reconciled?” We reply that they do not need any reconciliation. They are two Truths of Holy Scripture and we leave them to reconcile themselves—they are friends and friends do not need any reconciliation!"
Well Harold Camping was wrong because here is the team at 6:15pm! However he did prove the bible right when it says, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." - Matthew 24:36 These dear saints were faithful to go out witnessing at Hollwood Blvd. inspite of how many times we would probably be associated with the "Camping Cult".
It was crowded and CRAZY out on the Blvd. last night.
I was blessed with a great opportunity to share the Gospel with these Atheists.
They asked many good questions. This young girl named Izzy had shared some of her HORRIBLE experiences with what sounded to be false converts. At some points she did listened intently when I shared the gospel. Below is a quick clip of our interaction.
Ryan believed in evolution and sadly admitted that "everything came out on nothing." He did take a bible.
Steve preached and was abruptly interrupted by the "Plastic 5 Gallon Drummer" who claimed we were in his spot. Steve finished preaching and gave the guy a tip.
Dean did some stoplight preaching while Mike handed out bibles. About 60 bibles were handed out.
And the cult of the night was... (drum roll)... The Scientologists...
... so it was only fitting for Mike who was saved out of Scientology to preach next to them. We had a great night and afterwards enjoyed some fellowship at the local In & Out Burger. God is good! What a great ministry to have & what a great King we serve!
"I fear the world can seldom charge the Church with being too violent in its appeals. Look at what the ungodly will do to us. Where can you live in a street of London, especially in this part of town, without having night made hideous with their loud licentious songs and shouts? They force upon us their irreligion—may we not introduce our religion in return? If we go up to a man straight away and speak to him in the name of Christ, perhaps he will say, “You intrude.” Well, we are not the only people that intrude, for many intrude their filthy tongues upon us as we go down the streets! And they force their infidelity upon us in the daily prints. The world sets the fashion and if we follow its customs, it has no right to complain. When the wicked grow so delicate that they are afraid of hurting our feelings by their unbelieving speeches, we may take into consideration how we can go delicately, also."- C.H. Spurgeon
What a great turn out for witnessing in Hollywood. This picture reminded me of the Second Coming of the Lord... I hope He returns while we're witnessing!
Steve, Dean, Mike, Forest, Mark and I were blessed to have a new brother join us: Brian who was saved out of Mormonism came out to faithfully share the Good News of the true Jesus Christ of the Bible with a lost world.
Steve preached three times out in Hollywood. He's been such a blessing to the team & is really growing in his open-air preaching.
Brian said he was just going to "observe" which lasted about 60 seconds then he jumped right into handing out tracts.
"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? - 2Cr 2:14-16
We were expecting to see the "Black Hebrew Israelites" & "Harold Campings" crew out in Hollywood and thankfully didn't see either of them. We did however wrangle with some of the Church of God folks who beleive in Sinless Perfectionism.
Here Brian learns what its like to "bang his head against a concrete wall" for about 30 minutes... which is what it feels like after talking with a sinless perfectionist. Its amazing how deceptive sin is.
Dean did a FANTASTIC job preaching here. Both "Buzz & Woody" took bibles.
Here is a portion of Dean's Open-Air
Forest trying to reason with some "sinless" people.
I tried to reason with these young kids ages 11-15 years old... so deceived they claimed that they have perfectly obeyed their parents since becoming "Chrisitians", always loved God with ALL their heart, soul, mind and strenght... wow.
Another great night with many tracts and bibles given out. Please pray for: Jake (26 yr old Jewish guy who let me share many OT passages with him about the Messiah), ALL the Church of God folks we witnessed to all those who heard the preaching of the Gospel.
"Do you hear this man as he speaks to himself? “Oh! if I could ever escape from this dreadful dungeon, it would be a heaven to me. If these awful fires could be quenched, if this gnawing worm would but die, then I would be content. If, after ten thousand, thousand, thousand years, I could hope to make my escape from this pit of woe, I would set all the bells of my heart a-ringing for very joy at the bare possibility that, at last, I might escape. But what is it that I see written before me? Forever! Forever on my chains; forever, branded on my limbs of pain; forever, on yon waves of fire; forever in the angry gaze of an incensed Deity; forever in those hungry depths, which seem to yawn to suck me into deeper woe; forever, forever, forever, forever!” - C.H. Spurgeon
This picture (which was taken with my phone... because my battery was DEAD on my camera) this captures what happened later on in the evening.
We were blessed to have Elder Mike & Joanne bring out a few High Schoolers also Pastor Tim bring four of his kids as well. I've been so encouraged by the leadership of our church leading others and their own family out witnessing!! Sadly it was pretty slow when they were out but RIGHT AFTER they left the mic was on and LOTS of people came up to ask questions. I even got the classic... "Where did Cain get his wife?"
There was a small crowd for about an hour and a half. Steve and I were there until 10 pm! That is late for me being an old timer. ;) You know you got saved when you used to go out Saturday nights "clubbin" till 3am and NOW you're "witnessin"till 10pm... andit was a GREAT NIGHT!!
Please pray for: Kathline (Catholic- but asked lots of questions for at least 20 minutes, she listened intently) Kevin (asked about Cain), Hussain (He is a Muslim... non to happy with what I shared with him) and many others who heckled and heard the good news!
"I fear the world can seldom charge the Church with being too violent in its appeals. Look at what the ungodly will do to us. Where can you live in a street of London, especially in this part of town, without having night made hideous with their loud licentious songs and shouts? They force upon us their irreligion—may we not introduce our religion in return? If we go up to a man straight away and speak to him in the name of Christ, perhaps he will say, “You intrude.” Well, we are not the only people that intrude, for many intrude their filthy tongues upon us as we go down the streets! And they force their infidelity upon us in the daily prints. The world sets the fashion and if we follow its customs, it has no right to complain. When the wicked grow so delicate that they are afraid of hurting our feelings by their unbelieving speeches, we may take into consideration how we can go delicately, also."
As many of you know my family and I had just taken a trip to Colorado and we've been back home in LA for about a week. What a wonderful time of enjoying the Lord's creation!! Thank you to our family in the Lord for all your prayers for us. Many prayers of protection and opportunity were answered. About 150 Bibles had been ditributed while I was out in Colorado & several hundred tracts. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to witness to the lost in Colorado with Steve & Robert from IANA Ministries... what a true blessing!
The last day of witnessing we went to Acacia Park & Manitou Springs. Here Robert was trying to reason with a heckler who said "Jesus stole his birthday."
This young lady came up, heard Steve preaching and immediately broke down in tears. I had the opportunity later to share some scripture with her and give her a bible.
Even Colorado Springs had its share of "characters". They will be missed as well.
Please pray for more laborers to be raised up at Steve's church. He is currently teaching an evangelism class and had a great turn out for it. Also Robert is a full-time evangelist who travels. Please pray the Lord opens doors for the Gospel and protects him. More and more I've come to realize how rare and precious people are who make it their business to be soul winners!
Here is a quick follow-up from Steve from last night which sounded like an exciting evening:
"Tonight was a real battleground in Hollywood. Mike, Mark, Dean, Sai and I went. First Harold Camping's people were out trying to shut us down by counter preaching in front of Mike and Dean. I got some stills and about 10 minutes of video. The stills are attached and the videos will be posted to Youtube. I'll send you the link. After this the Black Hebrew Israelites showed up and got into a big discussion with Mike and Dean. It was very exciting. Several believers came up to give encouragement. Mike or Dean could give you more details."
Here is some of that video Steve mentioned. Mike let me know he was able to talk 1-on-1 with the guy and his wife afterwards and she was brought to tears. What a sad group this is. HERE is a link from Steve about Harold Camping.
After watching these videos this scripture came to mind:
"And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour." - Act 16:16-18 KJV
Here is a spoof on talking with a "Black Hebrew Israelite":