What a great turn out for witnessing in Hollywood. This picture reminded me of the Second Coming of the Lord... I hope He returns while we're witnessing!
Steve, Dean, Mike, Forest, Mark and I were blessed to have a new brother join us: Brian who was saved out of Mormonism came out to faithfully share the Good News of the true Jesus Christ of the Bible with a lost world.
Steve preached three times out in Hollywood. He's been such a blessing to the team & is really growing in his open-air preaching.
Brian said he was just going to "observe" which lasted about 60 seconds then he jumped right into handing out tracts.
"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? - 2Cr 2:14-16
We were expecting to see the "Black Hebrew Israelites" & "Harold Campings" crew out in Hollywood and thankfully didn't see either of them. We did however wrangle with some of the Church of God folks who beleive in Sinless Perfectionism.
Here Brian learns what its like to "bang his head against a concrete wall" for about 30 minutes... which is what it feels like after talking with a sinless perfectionist. Its amazing how deceptive sin is.
Dean did a FANTASTIC job preaching here. Both "Buzz & Woody" took bibles.
Here is a portion of Dean's Open-Air
Forest trying to reason with some "sinless" people.
I tried to reason with these young kids ages 11-15 years old... so deceived they claimed that they have perfectly obeyed their parents since becoming "Chrisitians", always loved God with ALL their heart, soul, mind and strenght... wow.
Another great night with many tracts and bibles given out. Please pray for: Jake (26 yr old Jewish guy who let me share many OT passages with him about the Messiah), ALL the Church of God folks we witnessed to all those who heard the preaching of the Gospel.
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