Sunday, February 22, 2009

Burbank Media Center-FOLLOW-UP-2/21/09

God is so good! Another great night of fellowship and evangelism. I'm so encouraged when more and more Calvary family join us. We had Mike and his wife come out last night for the first time. Jorge, Sharon, Dru, Forest and myself represented CBC. Also several evangelists from other churches, which we are encouraged to see! Dru and I both open aired. After the first time I preached a young lady named Maria and her friend were passing by and only caught the tale end. She wondered what we were doing and was willing to take the "Good Person Test" and listened to the whole Gospel. You could see how the Lord drew this lady and seemed to have a convicting effect on her. They both took Gospel of Johns.

Another amazing night, lots of witnessing from all and a lot of tracts went out... PRAISE GOD!! 

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