Thursday, June 25, 2009

Burbank Media Center - 6/20/09 - FOLLOW UP

Sorry it took so long to post this. We had a great time as usual. CBC was represented by Mike, Joanna, Scott, Sharon, Dru & myself. We also had Ian (Law mans brother-in-law) and his team of fledgling evangelists visit. Along with Dean, Sai and Derick. handed out about 700 tracts, I also saw a lot of 1-on-1 witnessing.

Afterwards Dean, Derick and myself decided we didn't get enough witnessing so we went to Hollywood. I can't explain it... its like you can cut the spiritual warfare with a knife! Anyone who has gone knows what I'm talking about. And after 9:00 it gets really crazy. Derick preached "Ala Whitfield" at a street corner. I had a guy cuss me out for about 5 minutes solid! What's amazing is it drew a crowd and with an AMP so everyone still heard the good news. The Lord emboldened Dean to get up and preach right after me. We ended up handing out another 300 tracts and went home tired and satisfied!!

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