Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wonderful Opportunities in Colorado

Just a quick update on some wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel over meals in Colorado.

The other day I was contacted by Alex, she's been on her own since she was twelve. She was one of my hecklers at Acacia Park featured at the beginning of THIS VIDEO. She had many good questions about the bible etc. Her and her friend Laura were willing to meet me at the food court of a local mall. I treated them to dinner for their willingness to meet me. Laura was from a Christian background but is now a Lesbian. I shared the Prodigal son story and realized later it was the perfect thing to share (thank you Lord). Here I was with Alex being the prodigal and Laura being the "religious brother". Laura asked me "what is the greatest sin"? I let her know it was the violation of the greatest commandment... NOT loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Of course she asked about homosexuality and I was able to take her to Romans 1 and shared the Gospel. I let her know there is forgiveness and freedom in Christ! They both took bibles.

Also the other day I went to Acacia and handed out tracts. I was blessed to speak with a young guy named Michael. While talking with him a friend of his walked up named Joseph, who is currently dealing drugs. Long story short Michael left (taking bible) and I was blessed to talk with Joseph for 2 hours!! I bought him lunch and we sat together while I explained his condition before God and the person of Christ; who He is and what He did for us. We read the story of Lazarus and Joseph intently listened and was fully engaged. Even while talking with Joseph a friend of his named Matthew came up and listened and took a bible as well!

I hope you will pray for them. Honestly, it is the GRACE of God that makes me step out of my selfish world and give up time, money & energy to reach people for Christ. The Lord gave up EVERYTHING to ransom us, the least we can do is step out in faith to reach the lost. He is faithful to meet us there and be with us as we witness! What a kind Father!!

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